World Religion Day

When we met Sarah, the first person to be ordained as an Anglican priest, having previously made a gender change, we couldn’t wait to hear her talk to our audience about how religion and LGBT+ identities can coexist in harmony.

In this event Sarah told her story leading up to her gender transition through to being outed by a national newspaper and hitting the headlines. Sarah’s sense of humour was a particular highlight of this incredibly engaging event.

With a dose of humour, Sarah examines areas of the bible which are often used as a tool for the exclusion of LGBT+ identities - and puts forth some fascinating explanations about how those passages could be understood differently, when looked at through the eyes of inclusion.

World Storytelling Day

Have you ever stopped to think about the vital role that being able to tell our own stories holds, in bringing about a more inclusive world?

We thought the rarely marked World Storytelling Day was definitely a day celebrating, so we invited our friend, and Story Telling expert Hillary Rea to tell us a story of her own.

In this event Hillary took us on a really immersive and thought provoking journey; we examined our feelings around talking about ourselves, what it feels like to have someone else tell our story for us - and how leaning into ‘that vulnerable feeling’ can lead to confidence, trust and, yes, a completely transformed outlook on life!

International Women’s Day

Most companies we speak to are focussed on innovation; how to be more competitive, how to do more with less, how to be more profitable, how to capture a larger audience…

We know a lot of female founders, so for International Women’s Day, we decided to get a few of them together to talk about why they didn’t pursue their innovative ideas inside the companies they were employed by. What made them leave and set up solo instead? What can companies do to keep key female talent and create environments where innovation can flourish?

Suicide Prevention Day

Trigger Warning.

When we asked Dave to speak for Suicide Prevention Day for Cultural Calendar Club, he suggested an event all about how to talk to your mates about mental health - we loved the idea. So many people freeze in the moment; thinking they need to be a certain way…or say a certain thing, when as you’ll hear from Dave, that is far from the case.

In fact, there’s a very good reason they chose to open up to you about it.

We’ve heard Dave Scholes speak a few times, and every time we always take away something different to add to our toolkits on how to support those around us experiencing poor mental health.

World Sight Day

If you ever get the opportunity to meet Jamie Shields you will know what we mean when we say that his energy is infectious. His sense of humour and relatable speaking style immediately put our Cultural Calendar Club audience in the perfect frame of mind to absorb all of the amazing tips he managed to pack into a single hour!

In fact, Jamie packed in so many tips that we wrote them up and made a crib sheet for Cultural Calendar Club members (and friends) to take away.